Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I sucked at geometry

Please bear with me. I'm going to draw a parallel where there really is none.

While driving home from work listening to pre-NH poll closing babble on how Iowa was a referendum on change vs. experience, it occurred to me that Hillary Rodham Clinton must feel like she just can't win. Dreamy Bill asked her to fix health care within months of his election, which she tried pretty valiantly to do, but then she got yanked for not having enough Washington experience to do it right. So she went out and got a bunch of Washington experience, and then got yanked in Iowa for it.

While trying not to hit the big scary post in the garage listening to a Writers Guild guy walk the line between calling Jon Stewart a scab and sticking it to Big Media, it occurred to me that the very thing writers are striking about--the proliferation of TV content on DVD and the internet (for which they apparently don't get paid directly)--is what is preventing a popular backlash against the media corporations. So TV stations aren't airing new shows? Well, I'll just pop in the Gilmore Girls first season and fire up My So-Called Life reruns on ABC.com. Problem solved, strike be damned.

That was the parallel. Careful, if you blink you miss it.


anne said...

I'll have to think about that one for a bit.

m said...

I don't get it.

But, I also like how HRC gets hammered for being an ice queen and then she shows a little emotion and she's weak. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, PEOPLE.

Wait, I think I get it now.

Anonymous said...

Mindy! Welcome :) As I'm sure Steff has told you, I'm a big fan of your blog.

As for the HRC hoopla, I'm just not sure what to think. There's also this element to consider: www.startribune.com/opinion/letters/13719521.html

Educational Adventures - Project Travel said...

I blinked, I missed it, but it's SO great to have you writing again.