Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So, earlier this week I heard this story about a Texas city attorney who after 9-11 vowed to wear a single patriotic tie until Osama bin Laden was captured or dead. Nearly six years later his tie is so tattered the guy declared he would stop wearing it unless Osama proved he was alive by 9-11-07. A day or two later bin Laden pulled through with a new tape proclaiming the usual praise for terrorists and violence to western heathens. Coincidence?

In other news, MPR reported that a U of M study found a link between a certain amino acid and gambling addiction. The study was too small to be statistically significant, but the scientist folks think taking the amino acid supplement could reduce addictive behavior. I'm totally weirded out by the idea that we will eventually be able to chemically alter all aspects of our behavior, right on down to basic personality characteristics.


Katie said...

I saw that story on the amino acid and gambling too. I know someone who could use it. Maybe I will slip it into their food when they aren't looking. Kind of scary though, I agree.

Rachel said...

Okay, so I know you're in Barbados...but I keep checking your blog to see if you've posted.

Where's the love??

m said...

Do you think they'll come up with a pill to make me stop spending all my money on useless things?