Monday, January 14, 2008

Your NFL picks

In honor of the upcoming NFL conference championships, let's do a little poll. Let's also pretend blog polls have instant runoff voting--so each person should vote for first and second choices.

To aid in your decision-making, here are some pics courtesy of various people on the world wide web:





E Manning

P Manning


Thanks to the budget ladies, particularly the dancer and the Packer fan, for launching a lengthy conversation on this topic today.


Anonymous said...

Is this even a question?? Brady, hands down...even though he's kind of scummy for breaking up with what's-her-name when she was preggers and then getting together with another hot-what's-her-name. Still: HOT.

Anonymous said...

Um, Mindy, did you vote for the same person twice? The Minneapolis IRV people (otherwise known as the most prolific junk mailers of all time) will be upset. Btw, I did Brady a favor by choosing a pic with a good hairdo. He has a bad hairdo problem.

anne said...

I am amazed by the serious hotness in the NFL right now.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

I voted Brady as well--no contest.

Rachel said...

I have a thing for the Manning boys, but really, Brady's got it. Hands down.

Anonymous said...

I took down the poll because it was causing that scary brown blob at the top of the blog.

For posterity's sake, Brady won hands down with 4 votes, surprisingly Eli came in second with 2, and everybody else got one except Culpepper who got zilch. I'm surprised by that one--Megan, Rachel, where were you?

Rachel said...

How 'bout them Giants?!?

Very, VERY happy for young Eli. Even happier that Peyton still got more airtime than his young brother during the Super Bowl tonight. He looked delightful in his suit jacket cheering on kid brother. De-LIGHT-ful!