Thursday, August 9, 2007

Target audience?

While doing some very serious online research prompted by Anne's post about tupperware, I came upon this:

How much do you think Glad paid the makers of Bejeweled to produce this little gem? When it comes out of beta I would suggest less obnoxious music.

Also, isn't it just like humans to create such a boundless invention as the internet and then fill it with crap like a tupperware game?


Maggie said...

I bet you would also find this amusing:

There are actually quite a few gaming options.

anne said...

I am ridiculously confused by this from an advertising perspective.

The game is unpleasant (I imagine moreso for those of us who have tupperware issues) - and I am now associating that unpleasantness with GladWare Inter-locker.

Were they trying to make tupperware more friendly and approachable?