Friday, February 29, 2008

I take it back

It's Friday. I'm exhausted. So I have just enough brainpower left, thanks to Mindy's comment, to ponder life's most important question: Was the last season of Alias the all-time worst ending to a good TV show? Or was it the last few episodes of Felicity--you know, where her Wiccan roommate sent her back in time for an alternate ending?

After much thought, I have to go with Felicity, because introducing magic and time-travel was just a tad inconsistent with the girl-follows-boy-to-college-and-has-the-normal-early-
twenties-crisis-of-identity plotline.

But here's the real shocker: IMDB tells me that JJ Abrams is one of the creators of Felicity! That's it, I officially recant my forgiveness. I simply cannot forgive someone who is responsible for the last season of Alias, the end of Felicity, AND Mission Impossible 3. With great brilliance comes great responsibility to use it for the forces of good. You, JJ, clearly cannot be trusted with such brilliance.

(Let's also note that Keri Russell was party to two of the three JJ Abrams failures. So she sucks without any redemption.)

1 comment:

Educational Adventures - Project Travel said...

I'm going to have to go with Alias, mainly because I've never seen Felicity. Also, I was unaware that you are such a Alias fan. I am as well, and yes, mostly for M.V.