Thursday, May 24, 2007

Poetry bug?

I was crabby about the weather today. Crabby enough to whine to myself about it on the way to work. For some reason totally independent of Cyndy's post, I formed the whine into a haiku while I drove. Since Cyndy and Maggie have already shared their thoughts in haiku, I thought I'd mix it up with a cinquain:

Big hair, damp cold,
Or worse, a moist hot day.

I really hate humidity,

A lot.


Anonymous said...

Nice work! I'm impressed. Way to use "moist."

Rachel said...

I was all prepared for the story of the man dumpster diving...did it not make it officially posted?

trulybrilliant109 said...

B+. Put it in your poetry portfolio and when you get all 10 genres done, hand it in and I'll grade it. Remember the cinquain goes right after the biopoem and right before the diamante (diamond) poem. Remember, though, in a cinquain the first line (first word) and the last line (last word) are supposed to be synonyms. Nice work Abby.