Thursday, April 26, 2007
Poop stories
(1) Several people brought their children to work today. It's a good time to visit budgetland because there's all sorts of interesting stuff going on. One little girl (4ish?) got to accompany her dad to a briefing at the governor's office for one of his policy advisers. For most of the meeting she colored quietly in the corner, but shortly before the end she started whispering, "psst....Daddy!" Each time, he asked her to wait quietly just a few more minutes. Undaunted, she eventually shouted as loud as she could, "But Daddy, I have to POOP right now!" She had good timing, though, because on the way out they ran into the governor and took a picture with him.
(2) While walking into Walgreens this afternoon to purchase NuLYTELY (nasty liquid that empties your intestines), I saw a bumper sticker that read, "I'm driving fast because I have to POOP!" I am not shitting you (hah!)--and I immediately thought how appropriate that sticker would be for several of my friends.
(3) And finally, today's Strib has a front page story titled, "Restroom law would help open the doors in a hurry." While I was watching the House floor debate on the smoking ban, apparently the Senate was working to ensure that bowel disease sufferers have guaranteed access to employee-only bathrooms. Thanks, guys--two bills in one day that would dramatically improve my quality of life. That might make up for stealing my evenings and weekends...or not.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Relationship development: pet names
He refers to everyone by nicknames--Playasaurus, Hummer, Poor Little Feller, etc. My nickname is Abber Dabber (which is someone else's fault). You'll note how unromantic this name is, especially because it reminds him of 'yabba dabba doo.' Some very unproductive time spent at work recently yielded this (emphasis and color are his):
Abber….Meet the Abber
She’s a modern state employee
From the town of St. Paul
She’s a page right out of history
Someday, maybe Abber wins the fight
And that bill will not get passed tonight
When you’re with the Abber,
Have an abber dabber doo time,
A dabber doo time,
we’ll have a dabber doo old time!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I am lazy (an homage to America)
As you might expect from the title, I did not carry out this ambitious plan. Instead, I came home, sat on my couch, and ordered a pizza for delivery. I even placed the order online using my credit card so I didn't have to get off the couch to search for my phone or to see how much cash is in my wallet (it's handy to have your credit card number memorized). Now I plan to watch Gilmore Girls and Pussycat Dolls: Search for the New Doll.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Nerd moment: On the Road
But the best part about the show is the weekly contest. You know you live in Minnesota when you can compete in something like this:
"Where's Hitch?" Each week we slip a shot of Jason's sidekick, Hitch, the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS On the Road toad, into one story. If you can tell us correctly in which story he appeared (aside from the usual mention of the contest), you can enter our weekly e-mail contest for one of five 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS On the Road souvenirs. The winners will be drawn at random from the pool of correct e-mail answers received from our online e-mail form.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tell me all about it
I swear there's one of those electronic billboards on my forehead. For women it says, "Tell me all about it, I care." For men it it scrolls to, "If you're a little bit odd, and tend to strike out with the ladies, then give me a shot."
Two examples from this week:(1) I took my car in for an oil change at the usual place, where the two managers are always very good to me and like to chat me up. It must have been a long week or something, because they were even friendlier than usual. The senior manager (male) basically asked me out for happy hour, and the junior manager (female) recounted Anna Nicole Smith’s entire life story in painstaking detail. Needless to say I declined the invitation (although he’s “taking a rain check” and will “hold me to it”). For the A.N. Smith marathon I did a lot of smiling and nodding after earnest statements like “oh, she was always really crazy" and "it wasn't a real overdose because she had been taking those pills for awhile!"
(2) While stuck in a stairwell with several hundred other state employees during a tornado drill, I got to talking with one of the IT guys. We talk fairly often because we have some overlapping projects, but it took a somewhat strange turn when he related the tornado drill situation to his favorite movie and then the next day loaned me his (illegally burned) copy of said movie. The budget ladies believe he is single and making a move--similar to when he asked one of the other ladies to go on a bike ride. I haven't watched the movie or returned it. Mostly I'm avoiding the situation.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Spring is in the air...
Unfortunately, yellow fake plant does not return Jackson's affection. You can sense his growing frustration as the thrice-daily (or more) lovefests with the plant become more frenzied. He nuzzles the plant with his furry cheek, and showers her with sandpaper kisses, but still she does not break her stony (or, rather, cotton/polyester) silence!
(Seriously, he is not eating the fake plant, or even playing with it in any normal cat way. He truly seems to be making sweet love to this object.)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Good luck?
Maggie: good luck sleepingWelcome to the blogosphere Mags!
Abby: i am the only one i know who needs to be wished good luck
Abby: in regards to sleeping
Maggie: yeah, well
Monday, April 9, 2007
Nerd moment: history walking tours

As for the nerd moment portion of this post, while digging for information on Milwaukee Avenue I found a website for summer walking tours hosted by the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission. Looks like they run several a month starting in May. So, who's going a-walking with me this summer?
Sunday, April 8, 2007
I mean, who has time for underhanded plots nowadays?

puppets appointees at the U.S. Justice Department cannot be as stupid as recent events make them appear. More importantly, I cannot believe that Karl Rove is using these morons as pawns in a multi-front assault on the integrity of state management of federal elections so he can swing the vote in 2008.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
What the #$%@ is up with the USPS?
Tonight I finally decided to get to the bottom of this. I figured I'd go to the USPS website and dig around for awhile until I found the particular Star Wars-themed page that was mentioned on the box. Uh, no need to dig. Check this out: Does anyone else find it odd that they're tying ads for a supposedly futuristic movie series to the ultimate in outdated communication technology? Come on, George Lucas, you can do better than that.
Monday, April 2, 2007
NOT smarter than a 5th grader
I don’t need Fox to tell me that I’ve lost ground since 5th grade. Kids intuitively know:
- Working too hard = bad
- Running around = good
But me, well, I have to be hit over the head by it every once in awhile to remember. Since the people who suck the life out of me are on spring break, I actually had the opportunity (read: got off my lazy ass) to visit Bally’s for the first time in a good long awhile. I never feel good while actually jumping up and down like a moron on a plastic plank, but that first step out into the fresh air after working out is just perfection. It’s really too bad you have to do the whole jumping around part to get the moment of perfection. Perhaps that’s why we invented illicit drugs. Not being much of a recreational user, I’m stuck with my plastic plank.
Pure genius
Keep in mind there is only one right answer, and it is Fox in Sox. That book rocks. If you're not cool enough to realize it, or even recognize the excellence of the other books on this list, you can look at the full catalog and submit write-ins.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Did that happen?
So I don't know if it really happened, but if it did, then I think that was officially the first cross-dressing man I have encountered. This struck me as incredible, given the variety in sexual preferences and lifestyles among my friends (and the several cross-dressing females I have met), but I think it might be true. Anyone else remember a time when I would have encountered a cross-dressing man? Maybe at the Lucy's Way Gay Cabaret? (There was that time when I wore a pink ribbon in my hair and a man struck up a conversation looking for...oh, wait, that was someone else).
Nerd moment: MPR
I am a public radio junkie. This is not news to people who know me. A prime example: the only time I have ever felt a yearning for an iPod was while listening to Marketplace this past Thursday. It’s a great show, but inconveniently aired at 6:30pm weeknights, which is one of the few times of day I do not listen to MPR. Luckily, technology and nerdiness have joined forces to bring me Marketplace podcasts, available anytime for my listening pleasure. Oh, if only I had one of those shiny white pioneers of portable media consumption so I could tune in to host Kai Ryssdal’s unique brand of pithy reporting about business and consumer news whenever my heart desires!