Unfortunately, yellow fake plant does not return Jackson's affection. You can sense his growing frustration as the thrice-daily (or more) lovefests with the plant become more frenzied. He nuzzles the plant with his furry cheek, and showers her with sandpaper kisses, but still she does not break her stony (or, rather, cotton/polyester) silence!
(Seriously, he is not eating the fake plant, or even playing with it in any normal cat way. He truly seems to be making sweet love to this object.)
Have you ever seen the video of Jimi Hendrix humping speakers at his concert? This image will stay with you for quite some time:
That fake plant is hot. Hot. I'm kind of getting worked up just looking at it. Hands off cat, that's mine.
RLT--I got distracted during the long clip and missed any speaker humping that might have occurred. But I am glad that Jackson can't set a guitar on fire with lighter fluid. Don't think my renter's insurance would cover that.
JEH--you stay away from Jackson's one true love!
The humping is definitely toward the end of the clip...which, you're right, isn't worth watching. They're minutes of my life I'll never get back.
I tried to view the clip and it was removed due to terms of use violation. Bummer.
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